Monday, 19 January 2015

Using green tea for WHAT?

If you follow me on Twitter (@katygilroyblog) then you may have seen me tweet about green tea a few times, and specifically about how much I hate it. I suffer from acne, which you're probably sick of me mentioning by now if you're a regular reader, soz. My mum decided that 2015 would be the year where I would tackle my acne in every way possible, and out she went to buy me some green tea.

I've never been a lover of hot drinks, not even hot chocolate, but I was determined to drink the green tea regardless. Sadly it wasn't meant to be, and I literally couldn't stomach it. My mum was disappointed and kept trying to get me to drink it, but I reaaaalllly didn't like it so we gave up in the end. But in the interest of 'waste not, want not' I decided to make use of it in another way: as a facial toner!

Skincare is one of my favourite things about the beauty world, so when I discover something like this I always get a bit excited. I've recently been trialling the Anti-Blemish 3 step system from Clinique (blog post coming soon...) but I found the toner to be really harsh on my skin. I've been replacing it with green tea and it's working so well for me.

All I do is boil the kettle and make a mug of green tea as usual, then leave it to cool while I'm doing the rest of my skincare routine and brushing my teeth. I then dip a cotton wool pad in and swipe it over my face, then voila! I usually keep the same mug for about two days and then chuck it away and make a new one. Is that gross???

I've definitely seen an improvement in my skin since I've started using green tea as a toner, and I'm glad that the stuff isn't going to waste. It does absolutely STINK though, but I just grit my teeth and rub it all over my face.

Do you have any amazing skin care tips? If so PLEASE let me know in the comments below or over on Twitter: @katygilroyblog


  1. This is such a good idea! I often find toners very drying and harsh on my skin so I like the idea of going natural. It's a shame you don't like green tea :( I love Higher Living's Chai Green Tea and Twinings' Orange & Lotus Flower one because I find plain green tea tastes and smells a bit like a damp armpit.

    1. Yeah I find a lot of them can burn my skin and make it sting whereas this is really soothing! I know, I really wish I liked it. I tried a cranberry one but it still didn't taste nice, I think I do need to persevere and I try some different flavours etc!

  2. Replies
    1. I've definitely seen a slight improvement in my skin since I started doing it! :)

  3. Sounds like a good idea, I wouldn't of even thought of doing that, but I suppose it's natural for the skin. You could try hot water and lemon as a drink if you don't like green tea? KBxx

    1. Yeah it seems to be working! I'll give hot water and lemon a try, but tbh I think it's more the fact that it's hot rather than anything else haha! xx

  4. I do this! I drink my green tea and leave a bit at the bottom to tone my face with. it's perfect and so gentle on my extremely sensitive skin :) lovely blog post x

    Mara // marashares

  5. :O this sounds amazing!!!!! i'll be trying this out asap!! thanks for the amazing tip!!!! xoxoox

    1. you're welcome! let me know how you get on lovely :) xxxx

  6. Definelty going to be trying this!! Xxx

  7. My skin has been so bad these last few months, I've tried so many different products along with drinking mroe water. I don't like drinking green tea either but using it as a toner sounds like a good idea! xx

    1. It's definitely worth a try! Hope your skin improves soon lovely xx

  8. This is such a good idea for a natural toner (can't stand them normally) - trying it out right now!! I don't like Green Tea either, but I love Jasmine Tea (which is Jasmine flowers and Green Tea leaves mixed). It has all the benefits of Green Tea, with added extras from the Jasmine. My favourite's the TeaPigs one - I'd really recommend it :) x

  9. I have never heard of this. How interesting! X
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  10. I'd never have thought of doing this - thanks for the suggestion!

    Helen x
